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This is when stools become hard & dry due to the colon absorbing too much water from the food in the colon. Stools can then become difficult to pass. 

Breast fed babies are less likely to become constipated than bottle fed babies, but they can still become constipated.

Babies bowel movements can vary day to day as can texture, even green poo is normal! The range of what is considered 'normal' is also wide. Baby's nappy can change depending on diet & age.

A breast fed newborn may poo after every feed a breast milk is easier to digest, this may change to up to once a week when baby is 3-6 weeks old. But this is normal! Bottle fed babies may poo more often and once a day or every other day. Some babies can go longer than this without any concerns.


Signs & Symptoms

Babies often strain when having a poo as they are lying flat.

  • Babies who cry whilst having a poo or develop small, hard pebble like poo that is difficult to push out.

  • Smelly poo & excessive wind.

  • a swollen, hard  tummy.

  • blood in stools.

  • Low energy.

  • Fever.

It's always advisable to speak to your GP or Health Visitor. 

How To Help

Speak to your health professional.

  • Baby massage~ a tummy massage is a great natural way to relive constipation. This can aid digestion, reduce pain & discomfort, ease trapped wind & help stimulate the bowel to pass hard stools.

  • A warm bath.

  • Dietry changes - breast feeding mums can make slight changes to their diet. Bottle feeding mums may look at different formula feeds.

  • Make sure baby gets plenty to drink - breast feeding, offer plenty of feeds. Bottle feeding look at formulas.


See a Doctor if:

If you have any worries about your baby's health you should speak to your Doctor.

  • Blood in the poo.

  • Sudden weight loss.

  • Tired & sleepy.

  • Things aren't improving.

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